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Adam Cheyer

Co-Founder and VP Engineering at Siri, Inc., Co-Founder and VP Engineering of Viv Labs

Speaker's Fee Range : $50,000 & Above
Travels From :   CA

  Adam Cheyer Profile

Currently, Adam Cheyer is co-Founder and VP Engineering of Viv Labs, a startup simplifying the world by providing an intelligent interface to everything. Previously, Adam Cheyer was co-Founder and VP Engineering at Siri, Inc., a company aimed at fundamentally redesigning the face of the consumer mobile experience. In 2010, Siri was acquired by Apple, where Mr. Cheyer became a Director of Engineering in the iPhone/iOS group. Mr. Cheyer is is also a Founding Member and Advisor to, the premier social network for positive social change, and a co-Founder of Sentient Technologies.

Before starting Siri, Adam Cheyer was a Program Director in SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center, where he served as Chief Architect of the CALO/PAL project, an ambitious effort to create a next-generation personal cognitive assistant that learns and self-improves "in the wild" (e.g. with no code changes). Cheyer's team was responsible for integrating state-of-the-art AI technologies from 25 research institutions, universities, and commercial companies, into a functioning system that can provide user value and pass a set of yearly SAT-like tests.

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