Leadership Negotiation Management Employee Engageme... Sales Presentation Skills Customer Service Marketing Innovation Communication Change Conflict Resolution Corporate Culture Emotional Intelli... Executive Coachin... Motivation Psychology Relationships / N... Team Building Best-Selling Author
More topics Dan Hill is an emotional intelligence (EQ) pioneer whose landmark book Emotionomics was heralded by Philip Kotler as "a revelation" and features a foreword by Sam Simon, co-creator of The Simpsons. Dan's expertise is gauging personalities through people's signature expressions.
As Sherlock Holmes said, "I have trained myself to notice what I see." Dan can help you reach that level, too. That's true whether you're an executive negotiating major deals, a salesperson seeking to be more effective in zoom calls or in-person meetings, a manager trying to hire smart and motivate staff, or a CX leader wanting to inspire more customer loyalty.
Leadership Negotiation Management Employee Engageme... Sales Presentation Skills Customer Service Marketing Innovation Communication Change Conflict Resolution Corporate Culture Emotional Intelli... Executive Coachin... Motivation Psychology Relationships / N... Team Building Best-Selling Author
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