Greg Roth Profile
Greg Roth is a keynote speaker who teaches you to take risks. He delivers story-rich talks about crazy ideas, creative enthusiasm, and the culture of experiments we can design to improve our lives and work. He studies "challenges" as a way to change behavior, build skills, and achieve big breakthroughs and has shared over 300 in his weekly newsletter.
How did he get here? His career has been one long experiment.
He started as a journalist, helping Lancaster Newspapers Inc break a story about NCAA violations in a collegiate athletics department. He then worked in sports marketing for a PGA professional, ran a trade magazine and oversaw communications teams at national membership associations, co-led a national workplace initiative funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and wrote a floor speech for his boss in the U.S. House of Representatives that went viral, getting over a million hits in 72 hours.
As classic middle child with tons of curiosity, he's been a lifelong polymath: At age 9, he designed and built a miniature golf course in the backyard. His parents were like "seriously?". In high school, he won a scholarship to Berkeley Music Academy at a jazz band competition. As a performing artist, he's released three independent rock albums, produced and hosted his own variety show, done standup and improv comedy, and won a best acting award at an independent film festival.
In fact, he's taken the Renaissance Man concept and applied it to his career: Greg has held over 100 jobs, big and small. Some of the more notable ones: journalist, campaign director, magazine publisher, videographer for a PGA professional, show producer, performer, sketch artist, rickshaw driver, tour guide, garbage man, rickshaw driver, crayon maker, and mascot. Because of this, his talks are peppered with analogies from all walks of life, translating "creative work" to any field.
He has been featured on/in CNN, Washington Post, Voice of America, NPR, RT, and AssociationsNow, and has worked with such brands as Pew Charitable Trusts, Children's National Medical Center, Coldwell Banker, the National Apartment Association, and is a faculty member at the U.S. Chamber Foundation's Institute for Organization Management.