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Juan Bendana

Leadership Expert, Entrepreneur & Author of Confident By Choice

Speaker's Fee Range : $10,000 - $20,000
Travels From :   FL


Leadership Peak Performance Performance / Pro... Motivation Inspiration Sales Storytelling Health/Wellness/F... Employee Engageme... Best-Selling Author


  Juan Bendana Profile

Juan Bendana is a highly sought-after speaker, entrepreneur, and coach to top CEO's, Olympians, Actors and Fortune 100 Leaders. He started his first leadership development company over a decade ago, where Juan and his team constructed bespoke programming for category leading companies such as Disney, Fidelity, American Express, Nationwide, Sony Pictures & Zillow.

Juan is the author of Confident By Choice (Penguin Random House, 2025). Based on his research of over 250,000 leaders at institutions such as Oxford, Penn State and the University of Toronto, his science- backed framework helps leaders activate the confidence mindset to lead boldly, thrive through change, and ignite extraordinary growth.

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Speaking Reel

  Juan Bendana Talk Titles

Lead Through Change:

The Confidence Cycle:

Making Confidence your Competitive Ad...


Leadership Peak Performance Performance / Pro... Motivation Inspiration Sales Storytelling Health/Wellness/F... Employee Engageme... Best-Selling Author


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