In March of 2012, a tornado ripped through the town of Henryville, Indiana. Stephanie Decker, a 37-year-old mother, found herself in a life-altering moment. As her house began to disintegrate around her, she shielded her two young children with her body. Her dream home fell in, crushing her legs, but because of her heroic actions, Stephanie's children were amazingly unscathed. It was a miracle that she even survived and made it to the hospital. At that point, doctors determined that parts of both legs would need to be amputated.
Since the accident, Stephanie has been featured on: The Today Show, The Ellen Degeneres Show, ABC World News Tonight as "Person of the Week", USA Today, USA Weekend, and People Magazine. She was featured in Successful Meetings list of Most Reliable Keynote Speakers who surpass expectations. She was also named as one of the L'Oreal's 2014 Women of Worth Honorees and nominated for the 2015 Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award for her foundation work.
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