Partnership is the New Leadership:
Cultivating Commitment, Collaboration, and Consensus
Over the last five years a survey of more than 5,000 leaders asked one question: what do you want from your people? The overwhelming answer? Commitment. And what it takes to both create and retain that commitment is NOTHING like it used to be. That's where Business Keynote Speaker and Leadership Expert Ty Bennett is helping organizations bridge the gap between old school mentalities and real-world solutions that connect with team members of every level today.
Consider the adage, "Old ways won't open new doors." In Ty's view, that is the rallying cry for leaders all over the globe. Business is changing. Communication is light years from what it was. People purchase differently. Customer expectation is at an all-time high, and their tolerance at an all-time low. It's time to open new doors. Adopt new skills. Challenge old mindsets. And embrace innovation. Ty Bennett has the tools you need to do all of these things and then some.
Your team will learn how to:
• Create consensus and encourage creativity - Do your people feel heard?
• Overcome the three biggest obstacles that cause leaders to fail - Hypocritical Expectations in Leadership
• Master conversational leadership
• Develop a more connected and cohesive team - Motivational Leadership is Overrated
• Adopt essential relationship skills that cultivate commitment
• Develop and nurture honest and effective communication - Building Credibility
• Bring care and compassion back into the mainstream of your organization - Investing in People
Leading with fear or trading on titles is no longer effective. In their place, partnership, communication, inclusion, and connection have become game-changers. Ultimately, we are in the people business, which is, without question, the business of building relationships. How? Using specific, time-tested skills and solutions to cultivate trust. Encourage collaboration. Deliver value. Inspire ideas and insights. And yes, fuel commitment amongst team members to do more, reach higher, and develop their own leadership skills.