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Erik Wahl

Graffiti Artist, Author, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist

Speaker's Fee Range : Contact Goodman Speakers for Fee
Travels From :   CA


Attitude Business Visionaries Change Creativity Decision Making Education Empowerment Gender Issues Human Resources Innovation Inspiration Leadership Management Marketing Motivation Overcoming Adversity Real Estate Sales Success Team Building Best-Selling Author Finance / Banking Music / Entertain... Healthcare / Medical Performance / Pro... Life and Work Bal... Employee Engageme... Technology / IT Relationships / N...

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  Erik Wahl Profile

Erik Wahl is an internationally recognized artist, TED speaker, and No. 1 bestselling author. His breakthrough experience as an artist and entrepreneur has translated into making him into one of the most sought-after corporate speakers on the circuit today.

On stage, Erik's keynote experience creates a dynamic multidimensional metaphor for how to systematically embrace innovation and risk. His message: disruption is the new normal and businesses must embrace creativity in a wholesale fashion, or risk being left behind. Erik's presentation inspires organizations to be increasingly agile and outlines how to use disruption as a competitive advantage. Some companies will be disrupted others will choose to be the disruptor. Choose wisely.

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  Erik Wahl Talk Titles

Virtual Presentations:


Attitude Business Visionaries Change Creativity Decision Making Education Empowerment Gender Issues Human Resources Innovation Inspiration Leadership Management Marketing Motivation Overcoming Adversity Real Estate Sales Success Team Building Best-Selling Author Finance / Banking Music / Entertain... Healthcare / Medical Performance / Pro... Life and Work Bal... Employee Engageme... Technology / IT Relationships / N...

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