Other Titles
A warm and wonderful story of the opportunity all American's enjoy and the GREATNESS of America's political and economic system.
Political Humor
All the humor used is current to what's in the news TODAY. I'm an equal opportunity abuser, I tell jokes about everyone who deserves it without regard to party affiliation. In order to never offend anyone, my humor is always based on bad decisions. For example, a Bill Clinton joke would have to do with last minute pardons, Monica, etc., because those are all decisions he freely made. He did not choose to be a white male. Jokes are NEVER made about what people do NOT choose such as their gender, skin color, sexuality, intellectual ability, physical appearance, etc.
The Beauty and Richness of America
No matter what the political stripe, experience or depth of involvement in the public policy arena, nothing, absolutely nothing, makes the blood flow faster and stimulates the audience to grassroots action faster than patriotic stories about the greatness of America. This was true before September 11, 2001 and is even more true today.
I can do a program that is pure "button busting" patriotism. Most groups choose a topic, i.e., PAC Development, Grassroots Advocacy, Election Analysis, etc., that features the beauty and richness of America, the system that made and keeps us great and the ability of the average person to participate in that system to make it even better. All my programs conclude with a patriotic story that will put a bounce in the step of every audience member and pride in their heart.
On July 4, 2013, America was 237 years old. At 237 years old, America is the world's oldest continuous democracy. America has more political and economic freedom and success than any country on the face of the earth. Also, America is the earth's crown jewel of freedom, opportunity, independence, liberty and compassion.
Pat in the "Borat" Movie
See Pat's only client who wasn't a better speaker after working with Pat. Pat was duped into thinking he was coaching a journalist from Kazakhstan about "American humor" and was actually part the "BORAT" movie.
Business and Professional Etiquette